profile - دانشکده علوم و مهندسی کشاورزی

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پردیس دانشگاه
محمدرضا حقي

محمدرضا حقي

Assistant Professor / گروه معماري


  • Ph.D: دانشگاه بوعلي سينا, مهندسي معماري


email: mr.haghi [at]
View Count: 88


Mohammad Reza Haghi holds a BSc in Urbanism Engineering from Shiraz University and an MSc in Urban Planning from Elm-o San'at University. He received his PhD in Urbanism in 2017 from Bu-Ali University of Hamadan. He began his official collaboration with Razi University in 2018 and is now an Assistant Professor in the department of Architecture at Engineering Faculty.
He has taught several courses to undergraduate students, including Research Methods in Urban Planning, Urban Studio, Introduction of Urban Transportation, Quantitative Models in Urban Planning, Rural Research and Design, and Urban Space Planning. His main research interests are Walkability and Human-Oriented Transportation, City Environment and Citizens' Health, Urban Tourism, Urban Regeneration, and Security of Urban Spaces. His single-authored and joint research papers have been published in prestigious national and international scientific journals.